Law Locally is the outreach and education portion of JD Law.
Law Locally offers three tiers of programming to assist in underserved communities throughout the City of Pittsburgh.
Case Review: Law Locally will be in your community with regular office hours to ensure that you do not have to miss work, spend hours on a bus, or go out of your way only to be told that you don’t qualify for assistance or can’t afford another attorney.
JD Law will provide you with an analysis of your case, next steps to take, a retainer and payment plan that work for you, if you wish to move forward with our office.
Education: Monthly education classes will be held virtually and in person on various topics of the law. This will include areas of law that individuals can navigate without an attorney. We will show you all the areas that you can work on your case without expending money. We will also show how JD Law can continue to assist you after your case has started.
Topics will include support, custody, landlord tenant, lgbtq+ rights/name changes, Domestic Violence/PFA, and the CYF/Dependency system.
Filing Fee Fund: Beginning in late 2021, JD Law will have a Filing Fee Fund established for individuals who are making between $20,000 and $50,000 per year. A closer look at each person’s income and expenses will be required to ensure qualification. This fund is targeted at individuals who do not qualify for other forms of legal assistance through the Courts or other local non-profit organizations.
**Coming Fall 2021**
West End